Students are the future of the industry and the CHI® Environmental School Program has been developed to support the schools and students through the following:
1. E N V I R O N M E N T
= Safer products in our school =
Schools are provided the opportunity to work with better and safer products. Farouk Systems, Inc. offers a complete line of 100% ammonia free products and low EMP appliances for a safer working environment. Now we have the opportunity to work with the latest Advanced American Technology to ensure that our school stays on the edge.
2. E D U C A T I O N
= More support for our school =
Farouk Systems, Inc. is a company of hairdressers and was built on the core principals of helping stylists with continued education. Now our school can utilize their education programs and our instructors and students can be constantly upgraded and educated for free by over 1500 strong Farouk Systems educators.
3. E T H I C S
= Passion for fellow stylists =
Farouk Systems will share their passion for this industry. Their goal is to helping students to realize what a wonderful industry we are all in and the unlimited career possibilities they have. This done through excellence in product and educational support with Advanced American Technology.